Oxedent provides distinguished white label PPC services, remaining 100% hidden from your clients yet committed to managing Google ads accounts with transparent management.

Our team of certified professionals excels in leveraging the potential of PPC advertising to help clients maximise their ROI and boost brand visibility. With extensive experience and a comprehensive understanding of the marketing sphere, we design and execute white label PPC strategies that produce tangible results, allowing agencies to make profits consistently.

El futuro de las apuestas deportivas con Inkabet en Perú

El mundo de las apuestas deportivas está experimentando un crecimiento sin precedentes en Perú, y uno de los actores clave en esta industria es Inkabet. ¿Te has preguntado cómo será el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en el país? En este artículo, exploraremos el emocionante panorama que se avecina para los amantes de las apuestas en Perú y cómo Inkabet está liderando el camino hacia una experiencia de apuestas innovadora y segura.

Desde la legalización de las apuestas deportivas en Perú en 2008, la industria ha experimentado un rápido crecimiento, atrayendo a una gran cantidad de aficionados y generando beneficios económicos significativos. En este contexto, Inkabet se ha posicionado como una de las principales casas de apuestas en el país, ofreciendo una amplia gama de opciones de apuestas y promociones atractivas para sus usuarios. En este artículo, analizaremos cómo Inkabet está adaptándose a las demandas cambiantes del mercado y cómo están utilizando la tecnología para brindar una experiencia de apuestas de vanguardia. ¿Estás listo para descubrir qué nos depara el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú? ¡Acompáñanos en este emocionante viaje!

La creciente popularidad de las apuestas deportivas en Perú

El futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú luce prometedor con Inkabet, una de las principales casas de apuestas en el país. Con una amplia oferta de deportes y eventos para apostar, Inkabet se ha posicionado como una opción confiable y segura para los amantes del deporte y las apuestas. Además, con el código promocional Inkabet, los usuarios pueden acceder a interesantes bonificaciones y promociones que aumentan las posibilidades de ganar.

Inkabet ofrece una plataforma intuitiva y fácil de usar, que permite a los usuarios realizar apuestas en tiempo real y seguir los resultados de los eventos en vivo. Además, cuenta con un equipo de atención al cliente disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para resolver cualquier duda o inconveniente que pueda surgir. Con el código promocional Inkabet, los usuarios pueden obtener beneficios exclusivos al registrarse en la plataforma, como bonos de bienvenida, apuestas gratuitas y promociones especiales para eventos destacados. Sin duda, el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se ve brillante con Inkabet y su código promocional.

Inkabet: el líder en el mercado de las apuestas deportivas en Perú

El futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se presenta prometedor gracias a Inkabet, una de las principales plataformas de juego en el país. Con una amplia oferta de deportes y eventos, Inkabet se ha posicionado como una opción confiable y segura para los amantes de las apuestas. Además, la empresa ha implementado tecnología de vanguardia que garantiza una experiencia de usuario fluida y segura.

Inkabet ofrece una amplia variedad de deportes en los que los usuarios pueden apostar, desde fútbol y básquetbol hasta tenis y carreras de caballos. Además, la plataforma cuenta con una sección de apuestas en vivo que permite a los jugadores apostar en tiempo real mientras se desarrollan los eventos deportivos. Esto agrega emoción y dinamismo a la experiencia de las apuestas, brindando a los usuarios la oportunidad de seguir de cerca sus equipos y jugadores favoritos.

Además de su oferta deportiva, Inkabet se destaca por su compromiso con la seguridad y el juego responsable. La plataforma cuenta con licencia y regulación de la Dirección General de Juegos de Casino y Máquinas Tragamonedas (DGJCMT) en Perú, lo que garantiza que todas las apuestas y transacciones se realicen de manera segura y transparente. Asimismo, Inkabet promueve el juego responsable, brindando a los usuarios herramientas y recursos para controlar su actividad de apuestas.

En conclusión, el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se vislumbra prometedor con la presencia de Inkabet. Con su amplia oferta de deportes, tecnología avanzada y compromiso con la seguridad, la plataforma se ha convertido en una opción confiable para los amantes de las apuestas. Además, su enfoque en el juego responsable demuestra su compromiso con la protección de los usuarios. No cabe duda de que Inkabet continuará liderando el mercado de las apuestas deportivas en Perú en los próximos años.

El impacto económico y social de las apuestas deportivas en el país

El futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se vislumbra prometedor con Inkabet. Esta reconocida casa de apuestas ha logrado posicionarse como una de las principales opciones para los aficionados al deporte en el país. Con una amplia variedad de deportes y eventos disponibles para apostar, Inkabet ofrece una experiencia única y emocionante para los amantes de las apuestas. Además, su plataforma en línea brinda la comodidad de poder realizar apuestas desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento, lo que ha sido especialmente valorado durante estos tiempos de pandemia. Con un enfoque en la seguridad y la transparencia, Inkabet se ha convertido en una opción confiable y confiable para los peruanos que desean disfrutar de la emoción de las apuestas deportivas.

Además de su plataforma en línea, Inkabet también cuenta con locales físicos en todo el país, lo que permite a los usuarios disfrutar de una experiencia completa y personalizada. Con personal capacitado y amigable, los locales de Inkabet brindan asesoramiento y asistencia a los jugadores, asegurándose de que tengan una experiencia positiva y satisfactoria. Además, Inkabet ofrece promociones y bonificaciones exclusivas, lo que brinda a los jugadores la oportunidad de maximizar sus ganancias y disfrutar de aún más emoción al apostar. Con su compromiso de brindar un servicio de calidad y una amplia gama de opciones de apuestas, Inkabet está liderando el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú.

Los desafíos y regulaciones futuras para las apuestas deportivas en Perú

El futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se vislumbra prometedor con Inkabet, una de las principales plataformas de juego en línea del país. Con una amplia oferta de deportes y competiciones, Inkabet brinda a los aficionados peruanos la oportunidad de disfrutar de emocionantes apuestas en tiempo real y vivir la emoción del deporte de una manera única.

Gracias a su plataforma moderna y segura, Inkabet ofrece a los usuarios una experiencia de apuestas deportivas de primera calidad. Con una interfaz intuitiva, los jugadores pueden acceder fácilmente a una amplia gama de eventos deportivos, desde fútbol y baloncesto hasta tenis y deportes electrónicos. Además, Inkabet cuenta con herramientas de análisis y estadísticas en tiempo real, lo que permite a los apostadores tomar decisiones informadas y aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito.

Además de su oferta deportiva, Inkabet ofrece a sus usuarios una amplia variedad de opciones de apuestas, como apuestas en vivo, apuestas combinadas y apuestas a largo plazo. Esto brinda a los jugadores la flexibilidad de elegir la estrategia que mejor se adapte a sus preferencias y objetivos de apuestas. Además, Inkabet ofrece promociones y bonificaciones exclusivas, lo que aumenta aún más el atractivo de la plataforma y brinda a los jugadores más oportunidades de ganar.

En resumen, el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se presenta emocionante y lleno de oportunidades con Inkabet. Con su plataforma avanzada, amplia oferta de deportes y opciones de apuestas, así como su enfoque en la seguridad y la experiencia del usuario, Inkabet se posiciona como una de las principales opciones para los aficionados peruanos que desean disfrutar de las apuestas deportivas en línea de manera segura y emocionante.

En conclusión, el futuro de las apuestas deportivas en Perú se presenta emocionante y prometedor con la presencia de Inkabet. Esta plataforma de apuestas en línea ha demostrado su compromiso con el mercado peruano al ofrecer una amplia variedad de deportes y eventos para apostar, así como opciones de pago seguras y atención al cliente de calidad. Además, Inkabet se destaca por su enfoque en la responsabilidad y el juego responsable, asegurando que los usuarios disfruten de una experiencia segura y controlada. Con su creciente popularidad y su compromiso con la innovación, Inkabet se posiciona como una de las principales opciones para los amantes de las apuestas deportivas en Perú. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de unirte a esta emocionante aventura y disfrutar de la emoción de las apuestas deportivas en línea con Inkabet!

₹530+ Crore in e-commerce sales & counting...

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Happy clients
Wasted budget icon 01 02 02

₹3.5 Crore

Wasted budget saved
eCommerce sales icon 01 03

₹530+ Crore

In eCommerce sales
Average ROAS icon 01 04


Average ROAS

Zero Hassle White Label PPC Service

We are your extended white label PPC partner, ready to guide you with a set of services that can bring prominent boost to your business. We will stay hidden, but your results will not!

Shopping Ads Management 01

Campaign Formation

Our white label PPC agency begins by crafting customised campaigns tailored to your eCommerce business goals. We ensure that every aspect of your campaign is optimised for success. 

  • Keyword research
  • Ad copy creation
  • Target audience selection
  • Bid management
Shopping Ads Management 01

Campaign Optimisation

Our white label Google Ads and AdWords management services focus on continuous campaign optimisation. We closely track your campaign’s performance and make data-driven adjustments to improve results. 

  • A/B testing
  • Negative keywords
  • Ad scheduling
  • Conversion tracking
Shopping Ads Management 01


As a white label PPC management agency, we place a strong emphasis on data-driven analysis. We carefully review your campaign’s performance and draw actionable insights to improve results further. 

  • Performance tracking
  • Thorough reporting
  • Competitor analysis
  • Industry trends
Shopping Ads Management 01

Account Management

Effective account management is a crucial component of our white label PPC management service. Our dedicated account managers work closely with you to ensure seamless communication, goal alignment, and a deep understanding of your business objectives. 

  • Single point of contact
  • Goal alignment
  • Regular updates
  • Personalised service

Partner With A Top-Tier White Label PPC Management Agency

Why Choose Oxedent As Your eCommerce White Label PPC Agency?

Partner With Us To Add Extra $$$$ MRR

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We Stay Hidden

As a white label PPC agency, we understand the importance of maintaining your brand’s integrity. We operate discreetly behind the scenes, allowing you to offer our expert services under your own brand name. 

  • Seamless integration
  • Confidentiality
  • Brand enhancement
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PPC Focused Experts

Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced PPC experts who are solely focused on delivering outstanding results for your campaigns. 

  • Specialised ads knowledge
  • Proven track record
  • Ongoing professional development
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Increased Sales with Excellent Performance

Our primary goal is to help you achieve increased sales and outstanding performance through our white label PPC services. 

  • Data-driven strategies
  • Conversion-focused driving high-quality traffic 
  • Performance monitoring and making adjustments
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No Hidden Contracts

Our white label PPC outsourcing services are designed with your best interests in mind. We maintain complete transparency, with no hidden contracts or unexpected fees. 

  • Flexible agreements
  • Clear pricing
  • Open communication
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We understand that every business has unique budgetary constraints, and we strive to offer cost-effective white label PPC solutions that cater to your specific needs. 

  • Customised pricing
  • Maximising ROI with cost-effective results
  • Scalable solutions offering flexibility and adaptability 

Let’s Win And Grow Together. Consult With Our Team And Ger To Know How!

Add The Power Of Your Agencies With Our Brains To Your Arsenal

Stepping Up Your eCommerce 01

Teaming up with Oxedent guarantees that you will carry forward the client relationship while we will handle your PPC work. Of course, you can take the credit, and our PPC geeks will ensure constant stellar results. 

Here is the best chance for outsourcing: We make it easy for you in confidentiality to help agencies to scale digitally.

Ready to supercharge your agency’s growth with a world-class white label PPC agency? 

Contact Oxedent today and let our team of experts help you unlock the full potential of your online services with our comprehensive eCommerce white label PPC solutions.

We Do All Your Work. You Get 100% Attention.

Our eCommerce White Label PPC Management Process

Take a walk through our proven process for helping eCommerce brands make their way to success.

Provide Us The Project Basics

To begin the white label PPC agency process, share the essential project details with the chosen white label PPC management service. This ensures that the agency understands your objectives and target audience, allowing them to tailor their approach accordingly.

Reviewing Of The Details

The white label PPC management agency will then review the provided details to identify any areas that may require additional clarification or attention. This step ensures that the campaign aligns with your goals and expectations.

Few Days To Launch The Campaign

Once the project details have been reviewed and finalised, the white label PPC management company will take a few days to prepare and launch the campaign. This time allows them to develop a strategic plan, create compelling ad copy and design, and set up necessary tracking.

Optimisation Of The Ads

The white label PPC management service will continuously monitor and optimise the ads to ensure the best possible performance. This involves adjusting bids, refining targeting, and testing various ad elements to improve overall campaign effectiveness.

Grow Like A Pro

By partnering with a white label PPC management agency, you can focus on your core business functions while benefiting from the expertise of PPC professionals. This collaboration allows you to scale your business and achieve better results with the support of a dedicated team of experts.

Our Simple Google Ads Management Pricing

Slide to match your monthly Ads budget.

Don't fit into this bracket?

Industries We’ve Worked With

Fashion Apparelicon 02 01

Fashion and Apparel

Health Beauty 02 02

Health and Beauty

Electronics Technology 02 03

Electronics and Technology

Home Garden 02 04

Home and Garden

Sports Fitness 02 05

Sports and Fitness

Toys Games 02 06

Toys and Games

Food Beverage 02 07

Food and Beverage

Automotive Accessories 02 08

Automotive and Accessories

Travel Leisure 02 09

Travel and Leisure

eCommerce Brands We helped With Our Google Ads Management

Some Other Stores

Online Raffle – Pet Stores – Backpacks – Accessories

Personal Care

Personal Care – Decor – Rugs – Art & Designs

Apparel & Lifestyle

Apparel & Lifestyle – Decor

Home & Gardens

Home & Outdoor Furniture – Decor – Rugs – Gardening - Art & Designs


Case Studies

(Consistently Delivered 3-6X ROAS)

Our clients love us. You'll, too

280+ eCommerce business owners can’t be wrong… our PPC management helps convert more customers for less spend

What Makes Oxedent Unique From Others?


Other Agencies/Freelancers


Our account managers have a minimum of 5 years of experience in eCommerce ads management.

Other agencies/freelancers may have less experienced account managers or may not specialise solely in eCommerce ads management.

Scope of Work

We do not limit ourselves by number of hours, keywords, number of campaigns, or even ads channels. We do everything possible to overcome your eCommerce business challenges.

Other agencies/freelancers may have limitations on the scope of work, which may impact the effectiveness of the campaigns.


eCommerce ads management is all we do. We specialise in eCommerce ads management and do not try to do everything, which allows us to excel in our area of expertise.

Other agencies may try to do everything, which may result in mediocre performance in all areas.

Data-Driven Approach

We take data-driven campaign optimisation decisions and evaluate the campaigns regularly. This ensures that the campaigns are constantly optimised for better results.

Other agencies/freelancers may not have a similar data-driven approach, which may result in less effective campaigns.

Customised Approach

We take a customised and personalised approach to each client’s needs and goals, which means that the campaigns are tailored specifically to their business, industry, and target audience.

Other agencies/freelancers may use a more generic approach, which may not be as effective in achieving the client’s specific goals and objectives.

Transparent Reporting

We provide transparent reporting to our clients, which means that they have full visibility into the performance of their campaigns, including metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. This allows clients to see the impact of our work on their business and make informed decisions about their marketing strategy

Other agencies/freelancers may not provide the same level of transparency, which may create uncertainty and mistrust between the client and agency.

Continued Education

We invest in continued education and training for our team to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and strategies in eCommerce ads management. This ensures that we are always providing our clients with the most effectual and efficient solutions.

Other agencies/freelancers may not prioritise continued education, which may result in outdated or ineffective strategies.

Proactive Communication

We maintain proactive communication with our clients, providing regular updates on the progress of their campaigns and any changes to the strategy. This ensures that clients are always in the loop and can provide feedback or make adjustments as needed.

Other agencies/freelancers may not have the same level of communication, which may result in miscommunications and delays in achieving the desired results.

Bring Additional Revenue To Your Agency With White Label PPC Outsourcing

Expand Your Agency’s Growth With Our Additional White Label PPC Services

Unlock your full potential with proven white label PPC services and drive growth for your business.

Conversion Rate Optimisation 11

White Label Facebook Ads

White label Facebook ads services involve creating, managing, and optimising clients’ advertising campaigns on the Facebook platform and we take this approach by allowing agencies to expand their marketing service offerings without the need to build in-house expertise in Facebook ads management. Our key feature includes:

  • Expertise in the field 
  • Time-saving management
  • Scalability
  • Cost-effective results
  • Customisation
Conversion Rate Optimisation 11

Landing Page Design

An effective landing page is crucial for maximising the success of your PPC campaigns. As a white label PPC management service provider, we also offer professional landing page design services to complement your PPC efforts. Our key features include:

  • Conversion-focused design
  • A/B testing
  • SEO-friendly pages
Conversion Rate Optimisation 11

White Label Banner Ad Design

In addition to our white label PPC management services, we offer professional banner ad design to help you make a lasting impression on your target audience. With it, you can enhance your brand visibility and improve your ad performance. Key aspects of our banner ad design service include:

  • Customised designs
  • Multiple formats
  • Optimisation
  • White label PPC outsourcing

Note: Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is an integral part of our monthly paid ads management service. We do not offer CRO as a standalone service. However, we do provide CRO recommendations based on our expertise and experience to help improve the performance of your website. It is important to note that we do not implement the actual changes on your website. This is something that needs to be done by your web developer, but we can work with them to ensure the recommendations are properly executed. Our goal is to help you achieve maximum results from your paid ads campaign by providing holistic support, including CRO recommendations.

It's OK, go ahead and ask.

You Deserve A Better Return On Your Spend

Here are some frequently asked questions about our eCommerce Google Ads management services:

Can I resell your white label PPC services under my own agency?

Yes, our white label PPC services are designed for you to resell under your own brand.

Do you offer customised pricing plans?

Absolutely! We provide flexible and customised white label PPC pricing plans to fit your needs.

How do you ensure the success of my campaigns?

Our experienced team of certified professionals will develop data-driven strategies to optimise your campaigns and maximise ROI.

What industries do you serve?

We have experience working with a wide range of industries in the eCommerce space, including ad agencies, web development, branding agencies, freelancers, PPC companies and digital marketing companies. 

Transform Your eCommerce Strategy With Bing Ads. Get Started Now!

Leave PPC To The Pros

Focus On Your Craft

Take a step back if you are thinking of managing it all on your own. Things might get messier. Instead, let our PPC experts get the job done while you pay focus on uplifting your business niche. 

Your Core Focus Should Be For The Agency Growth

Working on your PPC projects solely without expertise or among many services will not come up with beneficial results. Why not you focus on your core agency services while we take care of the rest?  At Oxedent, we start on the right foot! PPC being a paid service, requires special attention. If not done correctly, your agency will lose money and brand identity. 

Lack Of Industry Expertise

You might be having your own in-house experts, but we have some pro-industry experts. Our geeks indeed know the nooks and hooks of PPC that will predominantly help you to acquire all your business needs with only profits and no losses in a short span of time. 

Failing To Deliver Client Expectations 

Trying it out by yourself might result in pitfalls. This will affect the estimated budget. Deflecting on clients’ expectations leads to loss of clients, which creates a bad impact on the agency. With seasoned professionals from Oxedent, expect to receive phenomenal results at every step as your ad campaigns will be streamlined with reduced costs, increased efficiency and getting the most out of your ad spends. 

Monotonous Work

While doing PPC, there are plenty of monotonous tasks which has to be maintained. Investing more time in those facets will consume more time while diverting you from your field of expertise. Instead, get our help where our team is actively present to do all sorts of manual work with advanced tools that are usually time-consuming. Meanwhile, you can serve your other clients effectively. 

Slow Growth

Your agency’s growth becomes slower when it lacks flexibility. As a result, it will lose more clients and will be unable to onboard new ones. However, with us, you can focus on your strengths while be rest assured that the outsourced team will implement strategic account management and reporting for your ad campaigns. 

Expensive Process

When you indulge in the process of hiring an in-house team, it includes an additional cost of hiring, training and managing staff. With being an expensive process, it is also cumbersome. Contrastingly, looking out for a white-label PPC team is much more cost-effective. They have the knowledge and experience to acknowledge requirements and deliver them timely, helping agencies to make revenue in leaps and bounds. 

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